Sunday, October 24, 2010

I have no idea where this post is going to go....

How's that for a title? ;) 

Consider it a warning if you will.

There's something I've just been wanting to get off my chest. 

Has there ever been a catch phrase that's just driven you so crazy and every time you hear it you think, "The next time someone says that, I may just scream?"  But then the next time you hear it, you just smile and nod because, well, because your mama taught you right and that would just be rude. 

And then tonight I had the thought, "Hey I can BLOG about this!!"...

So here goes...

The catch phrase that gets my blood a boilin' every time.......

God never gives you more than you can handle.

Hold please while I check my blood pressure.  Just typing that out has sent my heart racing....

*cue elevator music* 

Seriously?  God never gives you more than you can handle?  How does anyone find that to be a comforting statement to anyone going through a trial?  I mean, the way I see it, it can only be taken one of three ways....

1).  God must think that I am some sort of superwoman and just hasn't clued me in yet.  Hopefully He'll let me in on my secret super power before it's too late! 

2).  God is this puppet master that sits on His throne and enjoys watching people try to get through all these crazy little detours in life that He throws at us.

3).  God's just plain mean.

I don't see any of these options as helpful.  Or real, quite frankly. 

Did God want my daughter to have cancer?  I don't think so.  I never have, even in the early stages of her diagnosis when I had a few choice words for Him.  If God loves Megan even more than I ever could; then I'm willing to bet that He was just as heart broken as I was the day we found out. 

Does God REALLY  want to see me try and deal with all that is going on right now?  Does he REALLY want to test me by giving me all that I can handle until I just about reach my breaking point?  No, I don't believe He does.

Here's what I've come to realize....

Maybe God doesn't give us more than we can handle because maybe He doesn't GIVE us those hard trials at all.   The trials will come not matter what, because we are human and living in a fallen world. Maybe, just maybe He uses them as a way to draw us closer to Him.  Maybe He wants us to see that its not US handling these situations and trials but HIM through us.  Maybe we can only see it by going through these difficult times.

If there is one thing I know for sure, since my daughter's illness, it is this....

God has not left my side this entire time.  And on the days when I was pretty sure that I couldn't get out of bed and "do cancer" for one more day, He did.  He made it happen.  He showed me the blessings.  It just wasn't about me anymore. 

So here's my point....

Maybe instead of saying "God doesn't give you more than you can handle" we should be saying, "This trial you're going through seems rough.  Maybe this is your chance to see what He can really do."

If you read the title of this blog, then you'd know I ramble.  Thanks for obliging me.


  1. LOVE IT!!! And I totally agree. When we are at our lowest point, we naturally turn to Him. I did it when I lost my mom to cancer. And I felt exactly like you do now...I know He never left my side during those awful days.

    Keep up the's good to smile while you're reading a blog! Love you!

  2. I just read this morning, "I didn't know how powerful God was until He was the only One I could turn to."

    Trials suck. But He can and WILL use them to conform us to the image of His Son. Romans 8:28 AND 29 (which most people leave off. Silly people!)

  3. Standing up applauding for you!! Yes!!

    You are so on target. I'm sorry you are... that you've had to learn this... that you've heard this.... ((Hugs))

    And when anyone can find the "good" in our trials I'll accept their trite phrases & verses spewed in an effort to "help".

    love you!

  4. Love this! That little phrase is by no means Biblical, but Christians quote it as if it's the gospel truth. Argh! So glad you are feeling His presence. Hug my girl!

  5. Amen to that!!

    I am a new follower.

    I also have a GIVEAWAY. It is a one year supply of Water You Want that takes chlorine out of your drinking water one glass at a time. Great for traveling and restaurants.

  6. hi there. your newest blog hop follower. happy MONDAY. would *love* a follow back. you can find me at:

  7. Totally agreeing! Love how you replaced that! It works much better:)I am now following you thanks to Meet Me Monday, and it would be nice if you could share the love back on my blog;) Also don't forget, if you need any help increasing your blog's traffic or easy blog tutorials, you know where to come!
    Today we have a super useful topic about computer security going on, so make sure you don't miss it! Happy Monday!

  8. I love that!!
    The sentiment behind "doesn't give us more than we can handle" is nice but I think you're "spot on" with all of this. That phrase makes it sound like we are, well, handling things. It's not about us. :)

  9. That was just lovely. Found you on the Sonlight forums. I hope you don't mind me sharing your post with friends. Hugs to you and your family.
